All the Things

A blog by Holly Papa.

Cybils, Poetry Friday, the Kidlitosphere and more!

by | Nov 16, 2008 | Blog | 12 comments

I just wanted to share what I have learned this week through blogging. Just think, cue A Whole New World from Disney’s Aladdin or if you’d rather Dvorak’s New World Symphony. Can you hear the music? Good

I had no idea the kind of people I would meet through book blogging. It really is a whole new world for me and my sister and we’re having a lot of fun. We’ve learned so much and met some wonderful people in the book blogging world and we have Natasha @ Maw Books to thank. (I meet her through a mutual friend, she mentioned she blogs, I checked it out, talked with my sister and Book Scoops was born). Here’s some newly learned information that we wanted to share.

1. There is such a word as Kidlitosphere (my new favorite word) – a group of bloggers that read, love and review children’s and adolescent literature. It’s what we read. We are so glad to be part of this group, which includes some pretty awesome people from SAHMs to authors to teachers to librarians to engineers and  many more. The one thing we have in common is reading kid lit.

2. Cybils (Children’s & Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards) – If you are looking for some great titles to add to your library or not sure what to have your kids read. Check out the CYBILS. There is also a great guest  post by Jen Robinson at Shelf Space about them as well. Her blog is one of my favorites of this week.

3. Poetry Fridays – Want to know about some great poetry? Well every Friday participating kidlit bloggers post poetry and some volunteers to host or in other words puts the links together for everyone. It’s fun. For a better explanation look over at the poetry foundationBig A little a keeps the running list of blogs that are hosting.

4. Carnivel of Children’s Literature – Every month, a list of links about children’s books. For more info check out this post at Chicken Spaghetti

5. Also I am participating in the Comment Challenge, which has been fun so far. We both are enjoying meeting new people and making comments on other blogs. It would be nice if Holly could move so then she could get some other Internet connection besides dial-up. Yep that’s right folks she has been blogging with dial-up, which we all know is sooo ffaaasst, it’s driving her batty. So send positive thoughts/prayers her way that her house will sell soon.

So here’s to another great week of blogging!



  1. Jen Robinson

    I’m glad that you’re enjoying the Kidlitosphere so much. Belonging to it has certainly changed my life.

    You know there’s an annual conference, too, around late September. Next year’s will be around DC. The conferences are a great chance, after emailing and commenting with people, to meet face to face. Hope you can come sometime.

    Thanks so much for talking up the Cybils, too!

  2. Melissa

    The kidlitosphere is a wonderful place, isn’t it? Many of my favorite bloggers fall into that sphere. 🙂

  3. Cindy O'Neil

    Sending positive thoughts and mostly prayers that Holly’s home sells so she can leave behind dial-up and read internet in real time instead of much delayed time.
    Can’t even imagine how hard that has been to do such a major undertaking as a reading blog with dial-up.

  4. hollybookscoops

    I know there are other options out there, but for a number of reasons, didn’t feel the need to get better ‘connected’. Now, I can hardly wait for the day. But, I must say, I get a lot of housework/reading done while I wait for things to load. You better bet it’s on the top of my prayers list (moving and therefore, faster internet).

  5. Bridget Zinn

    Three cheers for the Kidlitosphere! I’m so glad that I’ve discovered it!

  6. caribookscoops

    Jen – Thanks for the info. on the conference. I did here about the conference that recently happened. Our blog started about a month too late. I am definitely interested in trying to go for next year.

    Melissa – Thanks for stopping by, I am excited to get to know more people.

    Cindy/Mom/Holly – I hope Holly gets to move sooner than later and not just for the Internet, but that will be nice.

    Bridget – I’m glad too. It’s been fun so far.

  7. Deanna H

    I am new to it as well and I can’t believe how informative and fun it is. Wouldn’t it be great if your full time job was just surfing kid lit blogs? Ahhh…sigh

  8. caribookscoops

    Deanna H – Yeah it would be great to spend all my time doing that. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Corey

    Hi Cari,

    I am totally new to this too! (six days, and counting 🙂 Have you figured out this Friday Five thing? Is it just five random thoughts? Come visit me when you have a chance please!

  10. caribookscoops

    Excited to see you stopped by Corey and welcome to the Kidlitosphere. Nope haven’t heard of the Friday Five thing, I’ll have to add it to my list.

  11. Sara

    Hi Cari!

    Thanks for coming by my blog. One of the great things about the Comment Challenge is that I’ve gotten to meet all kinds of wonderful new bloggers.

    I love this mini-intro the Kidlitosphere. I agree with you that when I started, I had no idea of the riches available, and now I’m addicted!

  12. caribookscoops

    Sara – I am hopelessly addicted now, but I think it’s a good one.


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