All the Things

A blog by Holly Papa.

The Hourglass Door Trilogy by Lisa Mangum

by | Apr 17, 2012 | Blog | 2 comments

I just finished this time-travel series and I have to say, I’m in awe. I only hope that someday I can do something this amazing, or at the very least in the shadow of something this amazing. I’ve read time-travel series before, and I’m usually fascinated by them at the same time that I’m a little annoyed because there is so much randomness to how the time travel actually takes place. I had no such irritation this time. Lisa Mangum has an amazing imagination. Have I said how amazing she is yet? I know, I’m getting a little redundant. Moving on…

#1 – The Hourglass Door

The first book in the trilogy had me a little nervous at the beginning. I really was afraid that Dante might be a vampire or something. Not that I’m afraid of vampires, just a little sick of them. I was refreshingly surprised to find that it had nothing to do with vampires, but the river of time. Abby is living a life that seems ideal, but it’s not the life that she wants and she decides to look into changing that life to the dismay of her boyfriend and family. I enjoyed each one of the three books in the series, and think that you will too. Be sure to check out the second and third books in the series, The Golden Spiral and The Forgotten Locket. I think the third was my favorite, but I think that all of them are worth adding to a home library.


  1. tljoslin

    I absolutely loved these books. Her ideas were so original, and I couldn’t put the books down! I had bought the 1st and 2nd books together, but couldn’t find the 3rd. I didn’t think I would become so attached! By the time I finished the 2nd book, I realized I didn’t have the 3rd, so I had to wait a whole agonizing week for it to come in at the library before reading. Definitely one of my favorite series 🙂 Great review.

  2. hollybookscoops

    I agree! I was having trouble waiting for that elusive third one as well. So, my Grandma ordered it on Amazon and let me read it when she was done. I got it signed at an author signing event last week as part of the WIFYR conference, by the awesome Lisa Mangum in person. Yeah! I also got my copy of the first book signed. Now I need to get #2 and #3 signed for me to complete my collection.


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