All the Things

A blog by Holly Papa.

Elmer’s Special Day by David McKee

by | Jun 15, 2011 | Blog | 2 comments


Elmer is an adorable patchwork elephant who enjoys Elmer’s Day once a year, when he gets to dress up like all the other elephants and look like a normal elephant. All the other elephants look forward to Elmer’s day because they get to decorate themselves in any creative form they desire. There are so many amazing elephants in this book!

This year, the other jungle animals are complaining about the mess and fuss, so Elmer invites them to participate in the annual parade. The animals surprise everyone when they show up to the parade decorated to the hilt wearing elephant masks and win themselves a standing invitation to participate every year!

Beautiful, fun illustrations that leave you wishing you could see the annual Elmer’s Day parade.


  1. Connie Arnold

    It looks like a fun book! Thanks for sharing the review.

  2. hollybookscoops

    Hi Connie, I hope you check out Elmer’s Day it is a really fun book. It would make a fun summer activity for kids to have an Elmer’s Day parade. Thanks for reading!


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