All the Things

A blog by Holly Papa.

On Ambulance Ride #2 and The Young Adult Novel Writing Contest

by | Nov 9, 2009 | Blog | 15 comments

You can probably guess for the title that my daughter, age 5 got another ride in an ambulance today, her second in less than a month. I dropped her off this morning at school and got a call from the school before I had even pulled into the driveway of my house. I think I got to the school in record time and when I arrived she was still having a seizure. This one lasted for about 15 minutes, which is really scary. If I was scared last time, this time was worse. She is home now and we have another type of medicine that we can give her to stop a seizure if it lasts longer than 5 minutes. Other than being tired and missing school today she is back to her normal self. The doctor believes that the daily medication she is currently taking has not had time to build up in her body yet. In fact we have to increase the dose slowly over a period of weeks in order to avoid some less than desirable side effects. It could take up to 6 weeks for the medicine to start working effectively. Needless to say I didn’t get any of my plans done today, but that’s okay. My daughter is way more important than doing laundry, grocery shopping, reading and even blogging.

Thank goodness I had read Natasha Maw’s post (which has some really great children’s books about going to the hospital) about when her little guy drank some paint thinner. She has to hand off her baby real fast so she could ride with the paint thinner drinker to the hospital. Because of that I had already thought of what to do with my toddler if something like this happened. I had a list of neighbors in my phone that I knew I could call in a crisis and within 5 minutes my neighbor was at the school and took my toddler home with her. It was a relief to know that I am surrounded by caring and willing people. I really have a lot to be grateful for good neighbors, good doctors and a caring school staff. I certainly wish my daughter didn’t have to deal with Epilepsy, but it could be a lot worse.

On another note, I am participating or plan to participate in the Young Adult Novel Writing Contest hosted by Gotham Writer’s Workshop as apart of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo),  which is a fabulous opportunity if  you would like to publish a YA novel.

The Grand prize is an opportunity to submit a whole manuscript to Regina Brooks and free writing course form Gotham Writer’s Workshop. There are some other really cool prizes as well, like getting a chance to pitch your book to a Ms. Brooks and some feedback from editors at some major publishing houses – Random House, Harper Collins, Penguin, Knopf Books, Harlequin, and Source Books. All you need to do is submit the first 250 words of your novel along with a title at their contest website.

If you’ve ever had an inkling of writing a YA novel or have one in progress here’s a chance at success. I know it’s certainly motivated me. I’ve been working on and off on a novel for several months, but needed something to help me get focused. I wish I could participate in the NaNoWriMo, but the stars are not aligning correctly so I do what I can.

Good luck and let me know if you decide to participate in the contest and I will keep you posted on my daughter and pray that she has no more seizures.


  1. Britt, Book Habitue

    Oh no, not again! I wish we still lived closer to help you out! Poor kid.

  2. Britt, Book Habitue

    Oh no, not again! I wish we still lived closer to help you out! Poor kid.

  3. Britt, Book Habitue

    Oh, good luck with NaNoWriMo! I was tempted, but didn’t come up with a solid story idea until yesterday, so I’m not sure I’m going to get anything written…

  4. Britt, Book Habitue

    Oh, good luck with NaNoWriMo! I was tempted, but didn’t come up with a solid story idea until yesterday, so I’m not sure I’m going to get anything written…

  5. Natasha @ Maw Books

    Oh Cari!!! Again?! Seriously, let me know if there is anything that I can do!

  6. Natasha @ Maw Books

    Oh Cari!!! Again?! Seriously, let me know if there is anything that I can do!

  7. caribookscoops

    Britt – I wish you lived closer for more than one reason play dates with your little ones are a lot harder when we live 20 miles away, but we are glad everything turned out okay, again. Good luck with your story.

    Natasha – Thanks I may take you up on that offer. You were on my list of people to call if I couldn’t get any of my neighbors to the school.

  8. caribookscoops

    Britt – I wish you lived closer for more than one reason play dates with your little ones are a lot harder when we live 20 miles away, but we are glad everything turned out okay, again. Good luck with your story.

    Natasha – Thanks I may take you up on that offer. You were on my list of people to call if I couldn’t get any of my neighbors to the school.

  9. Annette W

    I just wanted to share that my son had his first seizure 3 weeks ago. It lasted 2-3 hours. Have you been given a suppository yet in case they last longer than 3-5 minutes? Maybe it’s not needed for your daughter, but thought I’d share it.

    God Bless!

  10. Annette W

    I just wanted to share that my son had his first seizure 3 weeks ago. It lasted 2-3 hours. Have you been given a suppository yet in case they last longer than 3-5 minutes? Maybe it’s not needed for your daughter, but thought I’d share it.

    God Bless!

  11. caribookscoops

    Annette W – Bless you and your son. We did get a prescription for diastat filled at the hospital pharmacy the day she had the seizure. The doctor hadn’t thought we really needed it because her other seizure was so short so he gave it to us for traveling and camping. When I went to the pharmacy to get it filled, Walmart did not carry it and could not even order it. I wasn’t to worried about it and was calling pharmacies was on my list of things to do the day she had her 3rd seizure. We have it now. I hope we do not have to use it.

  12. Curtain Panels

    last time, i joined a writing contests on the internet and i won a small price for writing a nice piece of writing ;*.

  13. Curtain Panels

    last time, i joined a writing contests on the internet and i won a small price for writing a nice piece of writing ;*.

  14. Curtain Panels

    I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives great information ~”

  15. Curtain Panels

    I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives great information ~”


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