All the Things

A blog by Holly Papa.

Book Scoops February Overview

by | Mar 4, 2009 | Blog | 5 comments

nightjohnDouble ScoopNightjohn by Gary Paulsen. We picked this one in honor of Black History Month and we really liked the book, but it is not an easy read as it shows the brutal nature of slavery. We also had a good discussion about race and some of the modern issues of racism.

Holly’s pick of the monthThe Snowy Day by Jack Ezra Keats. The illustrations in this book reminded me so much of the magic of snow in childhood. You could almost hear the quiet crunch of snow.

Cari’s pick of the monthFrom Slave Ship to Freedom Road by Julius Lester, Illustrated by Rod Brown. A very powerful book about African slavery in the United  States. I love the pictures and the words!

Books reviewed by Holly

Books reviewed by Cari

Black History Month

Books reviewed for Black History Month

We read some books this month for the theme of Black History month. One thing that came out of our many discussions surrounding Nightjohn is that it would be nice to recognize the contributions of African Americans to the United States throughout the year. As such we hope to read some books each month that fits into that category. There are many inventors, writers, artists and scientists who have made their mark in history and we would like to honor them and current writers/illustrators.

thebrownbookshelfAlso we wanted to mention a blog called the The Brownbookshelf, which focuses on black illustrators and writers that write for our favorite audience – children. As a kidlit blog it’s a great resource for books written by and about African Americans. They also did a feature for February called 28 Days Later. Throughout the month of February they featured an author/illustrator with an interview. Including one by Julius Lester, the writing genius behind From Slave Ship to Freedom Road.

Blog Spotlights

Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile – this is a new blog which focuses on board books, with a mom who reads to her little bookworm (I believe he is 15 months). It’s really a great resource for parents with young readers and has some wonderful book ideas.

Tara Lazar at Writing for Kids (While Raising Them) – A writer of children’s books. She has lots of great tips gleaned from writing events she attends and in February she had some fabulous author interviews including one with Aaron  Zenz, the mind and dad behind Bookie Woogie.

Tricia at Miss Rumphius Effect – This blog is written be a teacher educator and book lover. Cari has tried many of her recommendations over at her blog and not been disappointed, which has lots of  nonfiction and poetry. It is because of her that Cari found Nic Bishop Spiders, which is our Double Scoop for March.

Britt at Confessions of a Book Habitue – Last, but not least. Britt does quick witty reviews of books she reads and she reads a lot. Not to mention she was very generous in letting Cari join her book club.

Cari’s Diversity Rocks Challengediversity_rocks Update

So I’m still trying to figure out the whole challenge thing and signed-up for one, Diversity Rocks!, because that’s all I can handle. Remember we are using KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) as part of our theme on balance for the year. Ali, the person who started the challenge said  “The point of this challenge is to ensure racial and ethnic diversity in the authors that we read”. For February I read From Slave Ship to Freedom Road by Julius Lester, Illustrated by Rod Brown.

Book Blogging News

Cybils awards – These came out on Valentine’s Day and there are some excellent titles to choose from. The Cybils award goes to books who have lots of kid appeal and high literary merit. A few of the winners include, The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, Illustrated by Nathan Hale and Nic Bishop Frogs. The winners and many of the finalists would make great gifts for birthdays, holidays or just because.

kidlitosphere-central1Kidlitosphere Central The Society of Bloggers in Children’s and Adolescent Literature– From the site: “KidLitosphere Central strives to provide a passage to the wonderful variety of resources available from the society of bloggers in children’s and young adult literature.” The site contains a list of all members of the society of kidlit bloggers who share a passion for reading and books. It has some great resources and information about the upcoming Kidlitosphere Conference this fall.

shareastory1Share a Story – Shape a Future This is a blog tour for literacy that lasts one week starting March 9th. Each day there are several blogs who will post under that theme. From tips for raising readers to reading outloud to reading and technology with several blogs including Book Dads, The Reading Zone, The Book Whisperer, Miss Rumphius Effect and more.

Book Scoops News and Upcoming Events

Holly is in the process of moving and transitioning from Washington to Idaho. Until the transition is complete, her posts will probably not be so numerous. It all goes back to our balance theme of the year, right? The ball will still be in the air- just not sailing quite so high.

March is Women’s History Month and as such we will be reviewing some books to fit in that theme.

Our first author interview will be with Janet Halfmann, the author of Little Skink’s Tail, Seven Miles to Freedom (Review forthcoming), Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea, and many non-fiction books. Cari’s daughter fell in love with Little Skink’s Tail and she read it to her at least a half a dozen times in two days. We are thrilled to feature Janet Halfmann at Book Scoops.


  1. Britt

    Hey, thanks for the shout out!

  2. Tricia

    Thanks for the honorable mention. I’m always glad to know I’m helping folks find books they love. And that goes both ways, you know. You are in my reader and have helped me add many books to my TBR list!

  3. caribookscoops

    Britt – no problem, glad to feature you.

    Tricia – Glad to know we are in your reader and that the sharing of books goes both ways.

  4. Natasha @ Maw Books

    Great month you two! I just picked up The Uglies today at the thrift shop. Hope I can find time to read it sometime this year.

  5. hollybookscoops

    Natasha- I’m sure you’ll find time. It’s an easy, fun read. Hope you enjoy it!


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