All the Things

A blog by Holly Papa.

Announcing the Winners of Janet Halfmann’s Little Skink’s Tail and Seven Miles to Freedom

by | Apr 7, 2009 | Giveaways | 5 comments

Thanks to all who entered and made comments on Janet’s author interview. (and special thanks to my wonderful husband who helped me set up a random selection formula in excel.) We enjoyed learning about your favorite animal books and favorite family authors. Our first winner is Lisa O and she is getting Little Skink’s Tail and our second winner is MJ and who will get Seven Miles to Freedom.

Congratulations you two, they are excellent books and we hope you enjoy them!

The contest officially ended as of last night at midnight MST. We will keep the comments open and feel free to continue to make comments, but you won’t be eligible to enter the giveaway.


  1. MJ

    Thanks!!! I know my class will love it!

  2. Britt


  3. Janet Halfmann

    Thanks so much to Cari and Holly for hosting this giveaway of my books and also to everyone who entered the contest. It’s been enlightening and so much fun reading all of the comments. Congratulations to the winners. Happy Reading!

  4. Lisa O

    Hip, hip, hooray! I never win anything! I guess I can’t say that anymore though. 🙂 Thank you Janet, Cari and Holly!

  5. caribookscoops

    MJ – I’m sure they will.

    Britt – Thanks for stopping by to say congrats.

    Janet Halfmann – You’re welcome and thank you for giving us the books for the giveaway!

    Lisa O – Glad you are so excited and that we ended your losing streak.


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