All the Things

A blog by Holly Papa.

One Wolf Howls by Scotti Cohn, Illustrated by Susan Detwiler

by | Jun 23, 2009 | Blog | 10 comments


One Wolf Howls by Scotti Cohn is a book to be read outloud – even if you are the only one in the room because otherwise you might not like it as much. I wasn’t sure I liked the book until I read it outloud (note to self. . .always read poetry outloud) because I didn’t like how the first line to each stanza was repeated as the third when I was reading it to myself, but after reading it outloud I liked the book much more.  Some books work to read to yourself, but this one not so much.

We are huge animal fans in our house and I have watched many of a documentary on wolves. I find them fascinating creatures and love their close cousins – dogs. My daughter and I enjoyed reading One Wolf Howls. A unique blend of poetry and factual information that helps students learn about the months of the year, numbers 1-12 and wolves.  The first beginning with “One whole howls in the January moonlight” and the book ends with “Twelve Wolves singing a December chorus.” We liked the repetition and rhythm throughout the book, but one of my favorite parts of the book is Susan Detwiler’s illustrations – and how well her beautiful illustrations correlate with the text. For example January looks like I would imagine January in the wolf’s habitat. And later on in the spring their are wolf puppies in May. Of course this is made easy because Scotti has written the text to match the life cycle and seasons the wolf actually experiences and really who knew you could pack so much factual information into poetry book.

I have to say I have been impressed with Sylvan Dell Publishing, their purpose is to provide children with high quality literature that teaches math and science concepts – think PBS kids shows in book form. With the books I have seen so far they really deliver what they say they are going to do, “to create picture books that excite children’s imaginations, are artistically spectacular, and have educational value.”

One Wolf Howls is no exception, there are lots education activities and the end of the book, which my daughter loves, loves, loves. Did I mention she loves the activities at the end of the book? Especially the one with the Wolf Communications Matching Activity, which about how wolves use body language to communicate.  In addition there are many resources including eBooks and Spanish materials.


I would recommend One Wolf Howls or other books from Sylvan Dell to any teacher or parent who is interested in quality picture books that can be used to teach Math or Science and am seriously considering giving a copy to my daughter’s kindergarten teacher next year.

What are your favorite books about wolves? Or favorite books that include math and science (not a textbook. . .unless your into that kind of reading)?

Scotti Cohn’s website and blog

Susan Detwiler’s website

Sylvan Dell’s Website and Resources for One Wolf Howls


  1. saradobie

    Thanks for this amazing review! I’m the Sylvan Dell publicist, and we LOVE when people get into the For Creative Minds and educational value of the books. I posted your review on the One Wolf Howls review page! Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ 🙂 We are loving it!

  2. saradobie

    Thanks for this amazing review! I’m the Sylvan Dell publicist, and we LOVE when people get into the For Creative Minds and educational value of the books. I posted your review on the One Wolf Howls review page! Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ 🙂 We are loving it!

  3. Natasha @ Maw Books

    I picked up this title at BEA! I can see your daughter really enjoying the activities at the end. Now I can’t wait to try them out with my little guy.

  4. Natasha @ Maw Books

    I picked up this title at BEA! I can see your daughter really enjoying the activities at the end. Now I can’t wait to try them out with my little guy.

  5. caribookscoops

    Sara Dobie – So glad you liked the review. I do like what I’ve seen with Sylvan Dell – I hope to see more titles like this one.

    Natasha – Glad to hear this was one of your finds at BEA. I hope your little guy likes this one too, I know mine sure did.

  6. caribookscoops

    Sara Dobie – So glad you liked the review. I do like what I’ve seen with Sylvan Dell – I hope to see more titles like this one.

    Natasha – Glad to hear this was one of your finds at BEA. I hope your little guy likes this one too, I know mine sure did.

  7. AZ

    One favorite wolf book at our house is “The Gunniwolf” by Wilhelmina Harper and Barbara Upton. It’s a fun take on the Little Red Riding Hood story. 3yr old Elijah especially loves this one.

  8. AZ

    One favorite wolf book at our house is “The Gunniwolf” by Wilhelmina Harper and Barbara Upton. It’s a fun take on the Little Red Riding Hood story. 3yr old Elijah especially loves this one.

  9. caribookscoops

    AZ – I will have to check that out title out. I always enjoy fun takes on fairy tales.

  10. caribookscoops

    AZ – I will have to check that out title out. I always enjoy fun takes on fairy tales.



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  2. Does Anyone Here Know The Best Company To Go Through To Publish A Poetry Book? | Writing Poetry - [...] One Wolf Howls by Scotti Cohn, Illustrated by Susan Detwiler … [...]
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  4. Semicolon » Blog Archive » Saturday Review of Books: June 27, 2009 - [...] S. Krishna (Pretty in Plaid)69. S. Krishna (Roanoke: Solving the Mystery of the Lost Colony)70. caribookscoops (One Wolf Howls)71.…

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