Tonight I went to the King’s English Bookshop because 1) I wanted to support my local bookstore and 2) all the Hales were going to be there – you know the ones Shannon, Dean and no relation Nathan of Rapunzel’s Revenge. 3) My daughter (munchkin #1) is totally in love with Rapunzel’s Revenge, she was so excited to get her own copy, which thankfully they had because being new to this whole meet the author in person thing I probably should have bought it ahead of time just to make sure I had a copy – I had one already, but needed one for her.
I was also there for a fourth and final reason – my sister had sent me on a mission to get an autographed copy for her and being that she lives in the middle of 40 acres of sage brush. . . in another state . . . it wasn’t likely she would make it. But the big reason was . . . well . . . um I cut her hair not once but, twice way back in our childhood. So it would seem fitting that I pay some sort of penance and this was it (For the whole story see our review of Rapunzel’s Revenge.) The first offense I was like 4 the second time I won’t confess my age, but I definitely knew better. I did really want to be Rapunzel. My daughter does too (I hope that’s where the similarity of her Rapunzel stage ends).
Now, Shannon made my daughter who suddenly turned shy 4-year old (she will monologue at various public places at the top of her lungs) smile and laugh. Her hair was in braids, which it normally is because when you want to be Rapunzel the best way to keep your hair untangled and easy to brush is to well . . . wear it braids. Shannon told her she could be Rapunzel, which she so wants to be. She was so excited to meet the authors and illustrator and I think it has finally solidified in her mind which does what – authors write and illustrators do pictures.
The store was a bit crowded and I managed to knock over several books on our way out and on our way in especially while wrestling munchkin #2 (8 months) who decided that it would be a good time to try and crawl on the floor and was trying her darndest to get there. Which of course culminated in her crying while I handed the cashier my credit card. It was crazy, but worth it.
Munchkin #1 had a huge grin on when we walked out of the book store and then proceeded to do what we call her am excited dance/walk. (Within 5 minutes of leaving we had go to the corner Star Bucks coffee shop to go the bathroom, but I am sure that had nothing to do with the dance). Right now she is sleeping with her book. It’s so cute. The orginal plan was for Santa to bring the book, but when I saw that Shannon and Company were going to be at the local bookstore – I couldn’t pass it up so we went to meet them- that was way better than getting the book from Santa. Santa now plans to bring the stuffed frog she has been begging for and as long as it doesn’t turn into a prince we’ll be okay.
And as for my sister I accomplished my mission and Shannon even customized it for you, it says
For Holly – who would be Rapunzel if her sister hadn’t so ruthlessly chopped off her hair.
So Holly I have your book and will send it soon, or if you move to Idaho I just might be willing to bring it to you.
Yeah!!! I can’t wait. I’m so jealous that you (all three!) met the Hales. I love the ‘no relation Nathan’, it just rolls of the tongue. Did you come up with that all on your own? How sweet that #1 is sleeping with her book, yep, I’d say the Hales are pretty good competition to Santa. I don’t know if he’ll be able to top that one.
I’d love to move to Idaho, just waiting for the buyers to come through. . . do the Hales sell real estate? I already asked Santa for a new house for Christmas (that sounded so much better than asking to sell my house for Christmas). He hasn’t answered my letter quite yet.
I was so, so tempted to go to this one. But they would have taken one look at me and asked if I was stalking them! Shannon always has the awesomest things to say when she signs books. She’s one of the truly, nicest authors I’ve ever met. And I’m not saying that just because she once gave me her garden zucchini.
Glad you had fun!
Holly – Well I hope Santa brings your new house soon. The no relation Nathan just seemed to fit better than putting in (no relation). Glad I could get you the book.
Natasha – You are right, Shannon is very nice and made my daughter’s day. And I loved your review and the story of the zucchini. What a great way to give away your zucchini.